Thailand legal news
• 5 November 2018:
– The National Statistical Office planned to amend the Statistics Act B.E. 2550 for more effective information storage and organization restructuring.
The new draft act will be ready to be proposed to the Cabinet in February 2019. Additionally, in 2020, the information will be collected in form of eSurvey through QR Code for more comprehensive.
• 7 November 2018:
– THB 2,000 visa-on arrival fees are waived from 1 December 2018 to 31 January 2019 for tourists travelling into Thailand, for not more than 15 days,
from 21 stipulated countries (including China) to bring back trustworthiness from Chinese tourists, after the number of Chinese tourists has been notably
decreased due to the Phoenix boat tragedy.
• 8 November 2018:
– The Ministry of Public Health proposed to the Cabinet to consider increasing financial penalties from THB 400,000 to THB 2.5 million for medical students who fail to conform to the rural service contract in their clinical years, as the old penalty was established since 1973.
• 10 November 2018:
– According to the new five-year plan of Toshiba, the company planned to restructure by cutting 7,000 jobs (5% of its employees) through early
retirement scheme to invest more on renewable energy and information technology
• 13 November 2018:
– The owner of the Waterfront condominium in Pattaya had been sued for the compensation of THB 100 million by 20 buyers, as the ownership of the
rooms cannot be transferred as per the contracts. The construction was pending due to the violation of the Building Control Act (blocking the view
of Pattaya).
• 16 November 2018:
– Draft Land and Building Tax Act was approved by the NLA, such taxes will be collected on 1 January 2020. Please see the rate in the table below.
New Cabinet resolutions
6 November 2018:
• Approved Principle: Draft Act on legislative drafting and its accomplishment B.E. …., to revoke or amend outdated law.
• Approved Principle: Draft Arbitration Act (No. ..) B.E. ….
– Allow foreigners to be an arbitrator or attorney to proceed arbitration case in Thailand.
• Approved Draft:
1. Draft Min. Reg. No. .. (B.E. ….) issued under Consumer Protection Act
B.E. 2522
a. Regulations on prize competition, prize draws, contest, or giveaway.
– the period of such events (containing start and end date) shall be clearly specified in advertisement.
b. Advertisement on telecommunication, billboard, movie, and video.
– total amount of prizes shall be indicated.
2. Draft Min. Reg. revoked outdated Min. Reg. issued under Consumer Protection Act B.E. ….
a. Revoke Min. Reg. on advertisement of alcoholic beverages and caffeinated drinks in theatre and billboard B.E. 2547
13 November 2018:
• Approved Draft: Draft Drugs Act (No. ..) B.E. ….
– The FDA is entitled to assign national or international specialists, public entities, or private entities to help certify drugs in the registration process to reduce waiting time.
– Certificate of Modern Pharmaceutical Registration must be renewed every 5 years.
– Increase fees and fines.
• Approved Principle: Draft Narcotic Drugs Act (No. ..) B.E. ….
– Legalize the use of Marijuana and Mitragyna speciose (Kratom) for research and medical purpose under supervision of physician.
Royal Gazette Update: